Wednesday, 15 May 2013

'Outlook Changeable'

Invigilation and private view for 'Outlook Changeable' - a contemporary art exhibition by OHOS artists at The Keep, in Reading. This is the home of OpenHand OpenSpace an artist-led centre based in an old military building. OHOS provides studio and exhibition space for artists. It has an education and public events programme to give the wider community access to visual arts and artists. Since it was set up in 1980, the facilities have been used by well over 100 artists including Cornelia Parker, Douglas Gordon, Paula Rego and Andy Goldsworthy. I am really pleased to be an associate artist at OHOS.

The current exhibition 'Outlook Changeable' is a rich and varied showcase of work by fifteen resident and associate artists:

Prabhat Basu
Sarah Britten-Jones
Emma Curd
Peter Driver
Robert Fitzmaurice
Nick Garnett
Ingrid Jensen
Ivilina Kouneva
Jon Lockhart
Kate Lockhart
Bithja Moor
Petre Nikoloski
Julia Rogers
Roxana Tohaneanu-Shields
Clemens Steigleder

I had a while to document the show before the crowds arrived for the p.v. but my camera failed me for some of the highlights. Here is a taster of the show:
Clemens Steigleder: 'Sister' acrylic on canvas;
'Self - 4 years of age' oil on canvas
Bithja Moor: 'First Nations Girl' polystyrene, plaster, paint and feathers.

Jon Lockhart: 'Easier Said Than Done'
glass bottle, rope, metal, paint can.

Petre Nikoloski:'DAWN, junction 6, M40' (detail)
Painted sculpture: wood, different colours cotton, acrylic paint

Robert Fitzmaurice: 'The third Quijote' oil and canvas; and 'From here on in' , oil on canvas
Emma Curd: 'Lost Gum Method' Bronze and Gold

Sarah Britten-Jones: 'A is for Ammo (detail)
Installation with carpet
Nick Garnett: 'Annual Daydream Harvest No. 1' (detail)
Laser print of participatory daydream
Nick Garnett: 'Annual Daydream Harvest No. 1' (detail)
Laser print of participatory daydream.

Julia Rogers: 'Hung out to dry'
Tracing paper, ink, silver leaf, washing line.
Julia Rogers: 'Piece of me'
Performance [viewed through a peep-hole]
using board, paper, staples.
Julia Rogers: 'Piece of me'

Kate Lockhart: 'View from the Southbank'
acrylic on canvas

Prabhat Basu: 'Two small paintings' (detail)
oil on canvas 
Emma Curd: 'Lost Gum Method' Bronze and gold
Peter Driver: 'Winnall Moors', woodcut print and
'Seven Sevens', woodcut prin

Emma Curd: 'Lost Gum Method', Bronze and gold
Peter Driver: 'Winnall Moors', woodcut print and 
'Seven Sevens', woodcut print

Food organised by Clemens Steigleder

It was good to see so many people at the private view and to catch up with other artists and friends from around Reading. 

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