The current exhibition 'Outlook Changeable' is a rich and varied showcase of work by fifteen resident and associate artists:
Prabhat Basu http://prabhatbasu.wordpress.com
Sarah Britten-Jones www.sarahbj.co.uk
Emma Curd www.emmacurd.tumblr.com
Peter Driver www.peterdriver.info
Robert Fitzmaurice www.robertfitzmaurice.co.uk
Nick Garnett www.nickgar.net www.redvanman.net
Ingrid Jensen www.imjensen.co.uk
Ivilina Kouneva http://ivilinakouneva.wordpress.com
Jon Lockhart www.jonlockhart.com
Kate Lockhart www.katelockhart.com
Bithja Moor www.bithjamoor.net
Petre Nikoloski www.diary.petrenikoloski.com
Julia Rogers www.juliarogers.co.uk
Roxana Tohaneanu-Shields www.rtshields.co.uk
Clemens Steigleder http://csteigleder.blogspot.co.uk
I had a while to document the show before the crowds arrived for the p.v. but my camera failed me for some of the highlights. Here is a taster of the show:
Clemens Steigleder: 'Sister' acrylic on canvas; 'Self - 4 years of age' oil on canvas Bithja Moor: 'First Nations Girl' polystyrene, plaster, paint and feathers. |
Jon Lockhart: 'Easier Said Than Done' glass bottle, rope, metal, paint can. |
Petre Nikoloski:'DAWN, junction 6, M40' (detail) Painted sculpture: wood, different colours cotton, acrylic paint |
Robert Fitzmaurice: 'The third Quijote' oil and canvas; and 'From here on in' , oil on canvas Emma Curd: 'Lost Gum Method' Bronze and Gold |
Sarah Britten-Jones: 'A is for Ammo (detail) Installation with carpet. |
Nick Garnett: 'Annual Daydream Harvest No. 1' (detail) Laser print of participatory daydream . |
Nick Garnett: 'Annual Daydream Harvest No. 1' (detail) Laser print of participatory daydream. |
Julia Rogers: 'Hung out to dry' Tracing paper, ink, silver leaf, washing line. |
Julia Rogers: 'Piece of me' Performance [viewed through a peep-hole] using board, paper, staples. |
Julia Rogers: 'Piece of me' |
Kate Lockhart: 'View from the Southbank' acrylic on canvas |
Prabhat Basu: 'Two small paintings' (detail) oil on canvas |
Emma Curd: 'Lost Gum Method' Bronze and gold Peter Driver: 'Winnall Moors', woodcut print and 'Seven Sevens', woodcut print |
Emma Curd: 'Lost Gum Method', Bronze and gold Peter Driver: 'Winnall Moors', woodcut print and 'Seven Sevens', woodcut print |
Food organised by Clemens Steigleder |
It was good to see so many people at the private view and to catch up with other artists and friends from around Reading.
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